Construction commences on 75MW solar plant in South Africa

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The groundbreaking Grootspruit solar photovoltaic (PV) plant in the Free State, South Africa, has been heralded to officially begin construction of the facility that is expected to contribute to meeting the needs of approximately 80,000 South African households

The Grootspruit plant will meet the power requirements of these households alongside another 75MW plant – Graspan in the Northern Cape – also under construction. Both plants are expected to be commissioned by the end of 2025 and will, together, reduce greenhouse emissions in the country by approximately 100,000 tons of CO2 per year.

Transitioning to a net zero environment

The plant will be built and operated in partnership with Pele Green Energy and Aurex and Ablon have been selected as the preferred contractors for the project.

“We are proud of these projects not only for the power they will generate but also for the structural development they will bring to local communities and the country as a whole,” remarked Ronald Chindeka, head of investment and funding at Pele Green Energy. “Collaborating with ENGIE, who are dedicated to a genuine partnership in realising these projects, is truly exciting.”

Mo Hoosen, CEO and managing director of renewables for Asia, Middle East & Africa at ENGIE, added, “With more than 15 years of presence in the country and over 1.6GW of multiple assets currently in operation, executing such significant projects requires extensive collaboration with partners like Pele Green Energy and the Free State Provincial Government, as well as numerous engineers, builders, and contractors. This significant investment aims to deliver invaluable assets for South Africa once these plants are completed next year.”

Stuart Kent, CEO of Aurex Constructors, said, “Aurex Constructors’ award of the design and construction of the Grootspruit Solar Project reaffirms our commitment to providing sustainable solutions to South Africa’s energy challenges. This landmark project underpins our dedication to supporting a just energy transition, creating job opportunities, and promoting skills development in the local community.”

Elsewhere, a new solar-powered mini grid has been inagurated on the Island of Fogo as part of efforts to provide universal access to electricity to its inhabitants for the first time. Discover the full story at:

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